Importance of Colour in Brand Recognition

colour psycology

Colour is an extremely important aspect of design and branding. In fact, it is one of the most powerful tools a designer can have. It plays an integral part in influencing people into buying a product or service and is used to represent your company’s image and message. However, what many people don’t know is that there are some specific colours that are just universal when it comes to marketing and will probably make you feel something without even knowing why.

When you think of McDonald’s is there a specific colour that comes to your mind? Does it put a smile on your face?  How about the Olympics or Netflix?

There is a reason why we think of specific colours and feel certain emotions at the mention of these brands! For many, the color might be a decorative trait or used for aesthetic purposes but plenty of research suggests colors attract attention. That’s precisely why choosing the right colour for the brand is an important aspect of overall marketing strategy.

Many brands have used colours to reach consumers on a deeper level and stand out in the crowd effortlessly. New research claims that colours have the ability to increase brand recognition by up to 80%. We have listed a few reasons why colours are so important when it comes to brand recognition and why you should pay attention to this little detail when you start your brands’ journey.

The Importance of Colour in Marketing

Colour is Engaging!

Colour is thought to be the most significant visual experience for humans. Research conducted in the late 80s on phone directory ads revealed something interesting. According to the study, adverts in colour are viewed 42% more often than the same ads in black and white. Young brands must use colours strategically to attract and engage more customers and to communicate brand personality effectively.

Colour Attracts Attention.

Have you ever noticed, that you don’t recollect the entire book but remember the highlighted words better or remember a graphical, colourful presentation far better than a plain PDF document?  It is hard to process every object in the line of sight at a glance.  That’s where colours play an important role in grabbing attention and emphasizing important information.

“Color, in my opinion, behaves like a man in two distinct ways: first in self-realization and then in the realization of relationships with others.”

– Josef Albers.

Impact on Human Behaviour

Colour has a big impact on human behavior, perception, and thoughts. It can influence our emotions in positive ways. A colour palette can build a brand identity and increase customer engagement. This is why creating a successful colour palette is so important.

The importance of colour is often underestimated by many. There are many different ways in which a single colour or several colours can be used in logo design and graphics. However, there is one thing that always remains consistent — the importance of colour in brand recognition.

If you are wondering how to go choose a colour palette for your brand or which colour best represents your brand’s personality then you are at the right place, write to us.