From Recognition to Loyalty: Mastering the 5 Pillars of Brand Building for Business Success

By definition, brand pillars are the foundational tenets on which a brand is built. Let’s simplify that sentence for you. Brand pillars are the values and characteristics that make up your brand.  On a philosophical level, this means pillars of brand building are the integrated system that encompasses what a brand stands for, why it is unique, and how it communicates to the world.  If you have the answer to these questions, congratulations you’re on your way to building a strong, prominent brand. Each pillar serves a different purpose to a holistic cause which ensures your brand is optimally positioned in the market, has a relatable personality, is favorably perceived, and is well promoted.  So without further ado, let’s dive deep into the crux of this article and explore the five pillars individually.  

1- Purpose: – Your purpose is why your company came into existence and why you’re here. It’s more than just money making, it’s a value proposition to a customer and the most profound question your brand faces. Why do you exist? The answer to this should be understood by all stakeholders and employees. It should be the reason your team wakes up every morning with a drive and a purpose.  Research by Porter Novelli’s Implicit Association Study 2021 shows that customers want to buy from purpose-driven brands. In fact, 71% of customers would buy from a purpose-driven company over a competitor when cost and quality are equal. In short, if you’ve found your purpose, you’ve found your customer.

2- Positioning: – Your brand positioning is the unique space your brand enjoys in the minds of customers. Is your brand a luxury brand? Is it convenient? Or premium? Is it healthy or just tasty? These are a few attributes customers consider when deciding between you and the competition. A solid positioning lets you define a unique space in the market where your competitors are no longer relevant to your target audience.  Case in point- Apple. If it’s exclusivity, luxury, and elegance, then it’s Apple for you. Apple dominates the technology front so uniquely, its competition uses its positioning in market campaigns use this positioning as a basis for its products. Get your positioning right and position yourself in a unique space in the customer’s mind. 

3- Personality: –    A strong brand personality has two important qualities. The first is its authenticity. This means wherever you engage with customers- be it your social feed, website, or advertising, it should feel genuine and meaningful. The second is loyalty- customers feel their favourite brands should be built on trust. And one of the best ways to build trust is with a reliably consistent brand personality, across all touchpoints.  Case in point Harley Davidson- From their rugged brand identity (specifically their image style) to their gritty language and rough tone of voice, Harley Davidson speaks to their audience as a member of the gang and exudes a distinct personality.

 4- Perception: – Simply put, brand perception is defined as how customers experience your brand. Including all associations, be it positive or negative that customers attach to your brand.      In simple terms, brand perception is how customers experience your brand. It includes all of the associations, both positive and negative—that customers attach to your brand experience. Case in point- Snickers- Candy lovers are spoilt for choice between dozens of chocolate bars. So what makes someone grab a Snickers over a Kit Kat? It’s the perception that eating Snickers will transform you from being hangry, irritable, and unfocused to sharp and satisfied.

5- Promotion: – Last but not least- Brand promotion includes your introduction, engagement, and motivation to connect with your customers. It is important to note that brand promotion strays different from product promotion. The brand promotion aims to cultivate brand loyalty and build brand equity, rather than merely facilitating short-lived transactions.   The communication channels you use, online as well as offline experiences you provide, the touchpoints you create, and the visibility you have in the eyes of the customer, all play an important role in brand promotion. It’s not just about where, when, and why, it’s also about how often. The best brand promotion strategy puts your brand in the right place at the right time and in the right context for customers   To conclude The pillars of a brand are critical to success. They play a central role in establishing your messaging strategy, communication strategy, and business strategy. At Brand Neev, we identify their unique context and help establish these pillars to set them up for success. No matter if they are a product or a challenger brand. Connect with us today and take your business to the next level.


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