MSMEs in India – Why Do We Love Them?

MSMEs in India

The go-getter attitude, adventurous nature, the agile yet united culture, there is so much to love about MSMEs! We truly admire their passion for solving a problem, no matter how big or small.
Starting with budget constraints to manpower management there are many hurdles to starting a small business. But their determination knows no boundaries. And that’s what motivates us to work with MSMEs!

It is the opportunity to be part of their growth journey. We won’t deny the fact that knowing we have helped a small business improve their customer base, or knowing we could help them create an identity echoing their products and values is very rewarding.

Every start-up or a small enterprise will grow up someday – into a brand.  Like a child has to grow up into an adult. And upscaling a start-up business into adult brand-hood is as difficult as bringing up a child. Particularly in these times of the Covid pandemic where every business is affected by lockdowns. 

In such a time, there are many challenges that burden a fledgling business be it the competition or finding the right product-market fit, building a team or a loyal customer base, or even ensuring correct messaging is going on correct platforms. The right marketing and branding consultant can mitigate these issues. It takes a partner who can understand your problems, who can tailor-make solutions to fit your needs and budget, and who can then help you explode your start-up idea into a brand of the future.

We love to help Indian start-ups and MSMEs reach their true destination and become brands of the future!

Yes, all start-ups have one thing in common – IDEAS
No, all start-ups cannot succeed with the same ‘one solution fits all’ kinds of service.

We, at Brand NEEV, realize this and aim to provide bespoke solutions and services that are best suited to individual needs of individual ideas. 

Creating an identity or communicating the right story is best achieved when the start-up/small scale enterprise and its branding partner work in cohesion. To use a cliché, ‘two bodies with one mind’. 

Collaboration is the key! And Brand NEEV offers you just that – a collaborative, full service, and truly transformational experience that is affordable. We work closely with you at every step with a solid commitment to delivering excellence that makes a difference. Our team has come together from various backgrounds with experience in branding, designing, social media marketing, website design, content writing, content creation, and beyond. 

We love the people that start small businesses. After all, small business is essentially the base (NEEV) of all business. Their energy and passion are contagious and without them, we wouldn’t be around – literally!