What is brand positioning and why is it important?

Brand positioning: The art of carving your niche in the market

You know how you have that one favourite person in your life? Think about it. Yes, that one. That special person who’s found a special place in your life. Who is set apart from everyone else in your life? Who stands out as unique and apart?
Well, that’s how brands want to be perceived too. They want to hold a special place in your heart too. And they put a lot of effort to do so and position themselves in your life. Simply put- Brand positioning is all about finding the special place your brand holds in people’s minds. It’s like carving out a unique spot that sets your brand apart from the competition and makes it memorable.
Brand positioning is a dynamic process that involves many interconnected pieces working together, just like a well-choreographed dance. And when you get it right, you get a thunderous applause and its perception becomes a driving force for your success.
In this blog post we’re going to explore seven distinct (and overlapping) reasons why Brand Positioning is so critical.

 It unleashes Spark: When you position your brand perfectly, your distinct proposition sticks out and sets you apart from the masses. So go ahead and be a shooting star that captivates the hearts and minds of your audience.

It cuts through the noise: Amidst the symphony of marketing melodies bombarding our senses, your Brand Positioning strikes a chord. It resonates with the audience you want to captivate. No longer lost in a sea of other brands.

It clears the path connection: Audiences yearn for simplicity. That’s what brand positioning helps you to achieve. It weaves a spell that conjures an emotional response from your target audience and unlocks a door to make decisions.

It enables you to compete on value: Whether your brand is consumed by the mass market or is a limited luxury item, good brand positioning gives you clarity on your value. What’s your value? It’s what you offer customers, how best you satisfy their needs, and how the alternatives offered by competitors are insufficient. As harsh as it may sound, without Brand Positioning, you have nothing to offer but ambiguity. No one buys ambiguity.

It justifies your pricing: Sometimes, even when your value is known, your brand still needs price justification. Brand Positioning is where you’ve identified and compared your brand to the competition and their specific offering. This informs whether your price point is strategic and justified. Are you higher or Lower? Why so? How will the consumers respond?

It amplifies storytelling:  Without knowing your Brand Positioning, how can you write copy? If you don’t know where your brand sits on the spectrum, how do you even brief the writer? You can’t. It’s impossible to communicate to an audience when you don’t accurately understand your brand’s uniqueness or its competition.

It makes your design more creative

Visual design must build off a clear story, which requires an understanding of positioning. Would you pick blue or red without knowing what your competition uses? What if you didn’t know, for instance, that consumers’ taste for specific foods is? It really is no different than writing copy, only the communication is through imagery.

And there you have it folks, that’s why brand building is so vital to your business success. And that’s why you need an expert on the job to build your brand with a compelling story and a strategy.
At Brand Neev, we help young Indian brands in developing a compelling brand that effectively communicates their message, builds trust, and fosters lasting connections with the audience. And you know the best part? We offer affordable pricing options. Why? Because we’re thoughtful and understand the financial constraints that come with starting a business. So don’t hesitate to reach out to us today. Together, we can empower your business to thrive in a competitive market and make a lasting impression on consumers.